Friday, May 7, 2010

Avery's Birthday

Avery's 10th Bday is coming up in a few weeks and she has requested that I make her a pioneer costume, complete with dress, pantaloons,bonnet, and apron. All this just when I had come to terms with the fact that I have don't have the time to sew. And then (of course) Sophia has decided that she too would just love a matching costume. So my project for today was to set out to find a pattern in which to make said costumes. My dear friend Debra has graciously allowed me to borrow some patterns. (Poor Debra....she has not seen what a pattern looks like when I am done with it...there were supposed to be a front AND back piece to the dress, oops.) Anyways when I am done with this amazing gift for my dear daughters 10th bday I will post a better not laugh. (Don't hold your breath...I am a confessed procrastinator....everyone knows this about me; it will really be HER daughters 10th Bday gift.) All kidding aside I would really like to not dissapoint her and give her her hearts desire. Pray for me, pray hard!

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